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An argumentative essay

The learning goal for this week is writing a good essay, using the appropiate structure: introduction, body and conclusion. Furthermore, it is important to do a previous outline and make a draft of your essay.

One of the most important parts of an essay is the thesis statement. An effective thesis statement explains what your are going to write about and how you are going to make it.
During class, we did exercises to understand better about making a good thesis statement. Honestly, the exercises in groups allowed to enhance my knowledge about essay and to be able to see many points of view of each classmate.

First, we were asigned to write an argumentative essay. There were two parts, the first one was to write a draft of an argumentative essay. I chose the topic "Online learing" because since the pandemic of Covida-19, university students had to take online courses in order to continue with their studies and I belong to that group of students, therefore, I am really passionated about it.

My work😊:

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